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Oshodi David

29 Nov 2023


Financial freedom is a destination but much more than that, it is a journey or a long-term process that requires dedication, discipline, and a sound strategy.

This article reviews investment tips and strategies that could help you achieve financial freedom.

Here are the five tips/strategies

1. Budgeting and Saving

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Budgeting and saving are two of the most important strategies when aiming for financial freedom. Creating a budget allows you to track your income and expenses and identify areas where you can cut back on unnecessary spending. This frees up money that you can save or invest for the future.

To make budgeting and saving easier, consider automating your savings and bills. Set up automatic transfers from your account to a savings or investment account each month and towards taking care of your bills. You can also do this on Ardilla.

Automating your finances ensures that you consistently save and invest, even when you may forget or get tempted to spend your money on other things.

2. Investing in Stocks

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Investing in stocks is a tried, tested, and true strategy for achieving financial freedom over the long term.

Historically, stocks have delivered higher returns than other asset classes, such as bonds or real estate, albeit with more risks.

To invest in stocks, you can pick individual stocks or invest in mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). It is important to do your research and select investments that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Risk tolerance is the level of risk you or your organization are comfortable with. It is always advisable to stay within your tolerance to avoid issues in the future.

3. Investing in Real Estate

Real estate is also known as property. Well, property that generates income, appreciates in value, and can be exchanged for money. Recently property went beyond physical buildings. There are now physical and virtual properties such as NFTs.

Investing in real estate can also be a powerful strategy when striving for financial freedom. As mentioned earlier, real estate can generate passive income through rental properties or appreciate in value over time.

As a beginner looking to get started on real estate, you can either invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs) or real estate crowdfunding platforms. For a more seasoned investor, you can buy properties with the mindset of developing them.

As with any other investment, It is always important to do your due diligence and select investments that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

4. Starting a Business

Starting a business can be a challenging but rewarding way to build wealth. Especially if you are hoping to work on your terms. Starting a successful business can provide a source of income and generate wealth through equity and business value.

To start a business, you must have a solid business plan and access to capital. You may also need to invest significant time and effort to get your business up and running.

5. Building Multiple Streams of Income

Building multiple income streams is a strategy that involves generating income from multiple sources, such as a side hustle, rental properties, or dividend-paying stocks. This can provide a safety net in case one source of income dries up. It also increases your overall income potential.

To build multiple income streams, consider your skills and interests, then explore ways to monetise them. You may also need to invest time and resources into developing new skills or starting a new venture.


Building wealth is a long-term process that requires grit, dedication, discipline, and a sound strategy.

By working on the tips mentioned above, budgeting and saving, investing in stocks and real estate, starting a business, and building multiple income streams, you can create a solid foundation for building your wealth and achieving your financial goals.

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